So me and Reese’s love story started circa 2019 when she was a freshman I basically saw her at a dance team competition and thought she was BEAUTIFUL and wanted to ask her to be a senior rep… only to realize she was a freshman at the time at that point I basically considered doing freshman reps jkjk. Little did I know she actually started following me her freshman year and had always wanted me to do her senior pics I lost track of time and didn’t realize she was an upcoming senior until my gal katy lauerman recommended her as a senior rep. I looked into her and was like OMG ITS REESE!!!! Kinda crazy how everything happened but man I am so grateful to have met this sweet lady Reese you are just a bundle of joy and such a fun loving spirit. I had the BEST time with you – aside from you giving me a panic attack 12 hours before your shoot because you didn’t have your outfits figured out but hey they came together perfectly and I love how your parents helped pick them out too! Also can’t believe your least fav outfit – the floral dress – turned out to be your/our FAAAAV outfit I still think the side of the road stop 2 seconds into your shoot is my fav location, and also it’s in true Lahzeh adventure fashion