Seniors: Jordyn ’24


MA GIRL. JORDYN. oh my gosh. WHAT A TIME we had 🤣🤣🤣 this shoot started off super chill/normal and ended with us just laughing our butts off at one thing after another 😂😂 at one point the changing tent just malfunctioned and legend has it Jordyn is still stuck in there 🧐🤣 omg THEN we (more like I, saige) spotted a turtle and I was convinced that it was real and basically tried convincing Jordyn it was real only for intern Emma to be like umm guys… this thing is stone and has no arms 🤣😂😅 just when we thought the shoot couldn’t get funnier… Jordyn became a dog whisperer and had 3 dogs surrounding her POSING for pics HAHAHA. oh my gosh to top it all off… we were singing chicken fried for a WHILE until Jordyn pointed out that I accidentally had that song on repeat playing LMAO. things that were consistent from start to end: the laughs, memories made, and baller photos taken. We were getting the most STUNNING pics of this BEAUTY of a human!!!! The Stenzler ladies are some of the prettiest humans — inside and out. Loved my time with you, Jordyn!! ♥️♥️♥️