Seniors: Sophia ’21


Omg guys 😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️….. so we’re driving and I pull over at a wall that looks nice on the side of the road. Jack (who was my substitute intern of the day) points to another “building” and says how it’s look good for pics. 👀 within seconds he’s like “… oh…. nevermind….” me and sophia: 👁👄👁 “Jack…. that’s a tomb” hahahahah moral of the story—make sure Jack doesn’t recommend a cemetery for pics 😂🤪🤦🏽‍♀️ anyway MA LORDY SOPHIA you’re queeeeeen on camera. Y’all this girl is a dancing queen (shoutout BSMDT for introducing us before your shoot hehe) and she’s also a queen on camera for senior pics too 😍 I’m so so so happy I got to work with you and I had the greatest time adventuring around. Shout out for your willingness to absolutely SEND IT on the side the road for that yellow field 🤪🙃 but was it actually a field? You may never know 😉 also guys her skirt outfit with the floral top? I was obsessing over that outfit before I even took the pics 😆 I was like yep I know this is gonna be epic.