Seniors: Tyler ’22


There were so many things that happened at Tyler’s shoot 😆🙃 let’s just say it was an EVENTFUL start to the week. I’m laughing as I recall them for this caption… For starters, it’s like 5 minutes into the shoot and oh you know, we’re having the classic “get to know each other” kinda convos when I aggressively pull over because I saw a spot we HAAAAD to pit stop at 🤪🤪🤪. Oh then at the second spot we were at… we apparently needed a permit so instead of saying this was a legit shoot, I RANDOMLY said “oh I’m not a photographer… I’m just Tyler’s older sister’s friend??” 😮😬😂 mind you, Tyler doesnt even have an older sister and I pulled that out of NOWHERE (slightly stumbled on my words). ANYWHO — for a solid 10 minutes we were laughing at that entire ordeal and the joke for the rest of the day was that I’m Tyler’s sister’s friend’s cousin’s neighbor’s dog sitter with a camera???¿¿ 😃🤣 OK WERE NOT DONE THERE. The shoot went magically just until I saw a GINORMOUS ALBINO WHITE SPIDER on Tyler’s back and I just stood there like 😳😳😱🥴 and naturally Tyler did a terrified aggressive dance to shake off the thing but rest assured, we finished the shoot spider-free 🥵 the end 🥰 hahahaha